IDC Blog - The Latest Tech News You Need to Know

Here you will find the latest insights from our lead analysts, as well as advice and research on how different technology trends are shaping and transforming the world.

IDC industry collaborative cloud

Which Industries are Leading the Way for Adoption of Industry Collaborative Cloud?

The industry collaborative cloud (ICC) market is young, yet growing fast, with dozens of new industry collaborative clouds emerging across many industries.

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Big Endpoint Breaks the Mould

At the heart of McAfee and Symantec’s success is the appeal they have developed beyond their heartlands of endpoint protection.

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The Technology Foundation of Business Ecosystems Leveraging IoT, Robotics, and Cognitive

Business ecosystems will play a major role in future as manufacturers find it increasingly difficult to be successful on their own

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Where Will The First Impacts Of Quantum Technology Be Felt In The Banking Industry?

The first area likely to see commercial deployment of quantum technology in the financial industry will be in the security space.

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Three Things Keeping Channels and Alliances Leaders Up at Night

How to find the right partners to work with, to evolve partner account management, and to navigate the complexities of GDPR in the time of Digital Transformation.

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New Realities of Digital Competition in Financial Services

The future of financial services depends on delivering products and services that are rooted in customer centricity.

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