Marianne Kolding
Marianne Kolding (VP, European Skills Practice)

We’re in an exciting era, with technology transforming the way we live, work, play, and do business in a more significant way than ever before. According to IDC’s Global DX Leaders Survey, 95% of European organizations have already embarked on their digital transformation or have plans to do so — though with hugely varying ambitions.


For some organizations, the focus is on transforming the business through data center transformation or migrating to cloud; for others, it could be automating business processes or creating new technology (enabled products and services). Here, the skills of the IT professionals, their managers, IT leaders, and even the IT acumen of the business stakeholders will influence both the project timeliness and ultimately the business value of the most important IT initiatives.

Consequences of the Lack of Skills

All exciting stuff, but… there is a but! IDC estimates that the lack of available IT skills will result in over $90 billion in lost revenue annually in Europe in 2020. There is a “war” or at least a “grab” to attract the emerging skillsets needed to excel in digital transformation.

Businesses can’t just “hire” their way out of this one, however. They also need to look at how they can best reskill or upskill their existing tech employees. But to what?

IDC has just published its first forecasts on demand for 39 technology roles out to 2023 for the major worldwide regions plus country forecasts for Europe. Data scientists and machine learning experts will be in highest demand — perhaps not unexpectedly. This research will help organizations to plan training (and hiring) programs for tech employees, and there’s more to come: later this year we will add industry dimensions to the forecast, as well as more details around 2nd and 3rd Platforms and innovation accelerators.




If you want to learn more about this topic or have any questions, please contact Marianne Kolding or head over to and drop your details in the form on the top right.


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