Jen Thomson
Jennifer Thomson (Senior Research Director & Lead Accelerated App Delivery Practice)

Whether we like it or not agility, speed and sustaining enhanced customer experience are the mantras of the world in which we live today; organizations can choose to respond or inevitably find themselves fighting to stay afloat.

There is this stark realization that accelerated change is an absolute must across people, processes and technologies; every part of the organization must work faster and smarter. This drives increased adoption of DevOps practices by large IT organizations as the need for speed and higher-quality application development and deployment processes becomes an executive priority.

Close to three quarters of large European organizations have adopted – in some shape or form – DevOps. As a concept DevOps is great in principle, but in reality is difficult to execute on. As DevOps becomes more widespread and differentiated it becomes critical to understand how to reach the next level of maturity and truly create a DevOps driven organization. On this note check out IDC’s recently published DevOps 2.0 MaturityScape.

It is widely understood that DevOps enables a closer working relationship between dev and ops teams, but more importantly it demands collaboration with groups spanning QA & testing, security and architecture.  To some out there this suggests that DevOps is becoming everything – which in my view is correct –  DevOps works best when it integrates cross functional teams for the sole purpose of delivering high-touch customer experiences faster.

Enabling and accelerating DevOps is therefore a key topic of discussion; and within this automation, the role of QA & testing, and how to align on security driven DevOps are key considerations. There is increased experimentation and use of containers and microservices; and investments in hybrid cloud management, continuous integration/continuous delivery, automated code testing, application performance management become essential to support the creation of a DevOps driven organization. The trick of course is to understand what investments will best support the acceleration of your own organizations DevOps journey.

By End of 2018, 90% of IT Projects will be rooted in the principles of experimentation, speed, and quality.

While operational models and technology investment strategies are still evolving, we start to witness a widening gap between those enterprises in experimentation mode versus those that are well versed in the benefits and rapidly deploying DevOps to accelerate business change.

IDC’s DevOps Conference will guide you on how to navigate and accelerate the DevOps journey and is the perfect opportunity to learn more about this [often overhyped and rightly so given the benefits] topic, to network with peers and engage with innovative vendors not only to discuss but also to see how they can support and accelerate business change and transformation.

In anticipation of the Conference, and to give you some insights into the critical success factors in accelerating wider DevOps practice adoption we are hosting a complimentary webinar on March 16, at 2 pm GMT. Watch Jen’s invitation below and contact her for more info on this topic.

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