Francesca Ciarletta
Francesca Ciarletta (Research Manager, European Services)

The Hybrid Cloud Imperative

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the hybrid cloud has become an indispensable strategy for organizations aiming to maximize their IT investments. Our insights reveal that hybrid cloud is not just a trend but a critical component of modern IT infrastructure, blending the strengths of private and public clouds to foster efficiency, performance, and agility.

The complexity of implementing and operating such environments makes the role of managed service providers (MSPs) critical. These partners not only help smooth out the technical and operational challenges, but they also play a pivotal role in unlocking the true value of hybrid cloud investments.

As European organizations increasingly lean towards hybrid cloud solutions, understanding the importance of selecting the right MSP partner becomes paramount for achieving the desired business outcomes.

Overcoming Hybrid Cloud Hurdles with MSPs

Europe’s hybrid cloud landscape is experiencing a significant transformation, marked by rising investments and a clear growth trajectory. IDC’s 2023 EMEA Managed Cloud View Survey illustrates that, while hybrid cloud accounted for 31% of total IT budget in 2023, IT leaders expect a significant increase (up to 48%) of their total IT spending in Europe over the next two years.

The appeal of hybrid cloud in Europe is underscored by its compelling benefits. Organizations are drawn to the promise of enhanced cloud performance, streamlined backup and recovery processes, and more efficient cost management. These advantages position hybrid cloud as a cornerstone for building resilient, cost-effective, and optimized IT infrastructures.

However, the journey to harnessing these benefits is fraught with challenges. Skill shortages, particularly in cloud security and public cloud specific competencies, emerge as significant hurdles. The complexity of managing across diverse cloud environments adds another layer of difficulty, with operational visibility and governance among ongoing concerns.

As organizations progress in their cloud journey, they start to encounter more complex technical challenges, spanning security and data interoperability, as well as difficulties in meeting compliance and regulatory requirements.

To smooth out the edges of hybrid cloud adoption, many organizations are leaning towards managed service providers (MSPs). MSPs are pivotal for guiding customers to the right cloud types and orchestrating the ecosystem components to streamline operations, drive IT efficiency, improve agility, and increase business value.

Choosing the Ideal MSP for Hybrid Cloud Success

Understanding Your Unique Needs

When embarking on the hybrid cloud journey, understanding your organizational needs is paramount. Identify your objectives in the cloud landscape and the core IT challenges to these objectives. This clarity will guide you in selecting an MSP with the requisite cloud expertise, one that is capable of aligning the right cloud solutions with your specific workloads’ requirements.

The Crucial Role of Expertise

Expertise in various cloud environments is non-negotiable. An MSP must offer comprehensive services, from consulting to management, ensuring a seamless transition to the cloud. Their knowledge should span different cloud types, facilitating a match between cloud platforms and workloads that optimizes performance and cost.

Unified Management: A Must-Have

A unified management approach simplifies the oversight of diverse cloud environments, enhancing visibility, security, and compliance. Opt for MSPs that propose a platform-centric model for managing hybrid and multicloud scenarios. This model should streamline operations across your IT estate, fostering standardization and operational efficiency.

Empowering Your Hybrid Cloud Journey

In conclusion, the journey to mastering hybrid cloud in Europe hinges on the strategic selection of an MSP that aligns with your organization’s unique needs and goals. This journey, while complex, is made significantly smoother and more rewarding with the right partner by your side. As we’ve explored, the right MSP partner is not just a vendor but a pivotal collaborator in unlocking the full potential of hybrid cloud-enhancing efficiency, agility, and security across your IT operations.


If you want to learn more, please refer to this IDC document: Managing Hybrid Cloud: Considerations for European IT Buyers when Selecting Managed Service Providers

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